7" Portable DVD Player with Remote and Case

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Technical Details
- 7" TFT 16:9 LCD Screen, Built in Stereo Speakers,Built in Dolby Digital Decoder, Full Function Remote Control, Plays all DVDs and Supports CD, CD-R/RW, JPEG Compatible, 2.5hr Battery Life,A/V Outputs- Includes: Recharable Battery, Remote Control, Earbuds, A/C Power Adapter, D/C Power Adapter, Carrying Case, Composite A/V Cables.
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By Laura Croft (Warminster, PA United States)
We purchased this at Kohl's on black Friday 2008. Just got around to using it. I have never been so underwhelmed with any electronic purchase before. The player's dvd motor is loud, sounds like a hard drive going bad. The audio turned up to full volume is still so low I can barely hear it in my home, so forget the children hearing it in the van. There is noise in the volume controller however, that is loud, - static when adjusting the volume - like an old radio you have to tap the volume controller to stop the static and get it to register and play both speakers. This player is not worth it even at the sale price. I will be returning it to Kohl's tomorrow. The other lousy part of this purchase was the so called "rebate" which would have brought the price down to $[...] - it had to be postmarked within a day - by the time the packages made it into the house it was already to late. I have to believe that was intentional. If this product was purchased late Friday they knew most people would have not been able to mail in the paperwork that day. But then again even at $[...] I would not be impressed with this player. It's not important that it can be hooked up to a TV, most can, and most small home dvd players can be purchased for under $[...] with progressive scan etc. and work great so I wouldn't suggest it for that use. I will be researching to find a better portable player before purchasing a replacement.

By MemphoBurbs (Bartlett, TN USA)
We purchased 3 of these for our kids for Christmas. They are really great. We also hook it up to their TV's when we are at home as a regular DVD player because it HAS A FULL FUNCTION REMOTE. The best part was we bought them at Kohls for less than $100 on sale. They came with a case, battery, headphones, rechargeable battery and the cables to hook them up to tv's and large screens.

By SJY (Columbia, MO)
I bought this product at Kohl's about 4 months ago. The first couple times I used it it would work for increments of 15 minutes. I'd have to pull over, get out, unplug it, plug it back in, shake it, then it would work for another 15 minutes. Now it doesn't work at all. Spend a few more bucks for a Samsung. We have one that's 2 years old and still as strong as ever. With kids you don't want something that keeps making the movie stop--they're to make trips easier, not more frustrating.

By J. Hardy Jr. (Las Vegas, NV)
We bought this player during Black Friday 2006. We didn't have a chance to try to use it until late 2007. When we finally did, it didn't work at all. It played 20 seconds of a track from a CD and when I tried to fastforward to the next song, it quit reading the CD altogether.
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